Aurora is 1!

Aurora came back to see me in my North Saint Paul, MN Studio for her 1 year photography session. Ive been seeing Aurora through out her first year for her milestone portraits. She was a rock star for her newborn and 6 month sessions.. but she wasn't as happy with me when her 1 year session rolled around. Cranky baby sessions can be so stressful for parents! I always feel so bad when parents leave feeling thinking their baby gave me nothing to work with. But I have a secret... I ALWAYS get images that make your baby look like they were having a just fine time while they were getting photographed. Well.. at least 99% of the time ;) I rarely have to ask a baby to come back.. its happened.. but its rare. 

You will see what I mean with her photos. Aurora started her session giving me some great smiles.. and her mood changed from happy to not so happy shortly after. But Ive got the fastest shutter finger in town ;) and I only need a split second to get what a need.. (1/125 of a second to be exact LOL) So you just can't tell that she wasn't the happiest child ever the whole time =) 

I also want to share some images from her "rockstar" session too! Because they are adorable and you all must see how much she's grown this year =) Check them all out below! 

Aurora at her newborn session <3

Aurora at her newborn session <3

EEP! This cupcake hat is one of the cutest ever! You can get your very own cupcake hat from Brother Earth Boutique&nbsp;

EEP! This cupcake hat is one of the cutest ever! You can get your very own cupcake hat from Brother Earth Boutique 

Aurora couldn't keep her tongue in her mouth at her 6 month photography session!&nbsp;

Aurora couldn't keep her tongue in her mouth at her 6 month photography session! 

Those eyes though!&nbsp;

Those eyes though! 

The start of Aurora's 1 year session! All smiles at first!&nbsp;

The start of Aurora's 1 year session! All smiles at first! 

Seriously though.. this image was taken in-between screams LOL! She was mad that we wanted to sit. She got herself up and that brief instant of success was caught =)&nbsp;

Seriously though.. this image was taken in-between screams LOL! She was mad that we wanted to sit. She got herself up and that brief instant of success was caught =) 

..and the cake! Yikes was she mad! She hated the cake. I got this image and two others where she wasn't crying by tossing in come Cheerios ;)&nbsp;

..and the cake! Yikes was she mad! She hated the cake. I got this image and two others where she wasn't crying by tossing in come Cheerios ;) 

I am glad that she arrived in a good mood because this smile of hers is AMAZING! Happy Birthday Aurora!!&nbsp;

I am glad that she arrived in a good mood because this smile of hers is AMAZING! Happy Birthday Aurora!! 

Are you ready to schedule a session for your 1 year old? Click here to send me a message! Make sure to head over to my Facebook page and give it a LIKE! 

Jack's 9 Month Session

I have been photographing Jack every 3 months since his newborn session. He is now 9 months old! Watching babies and families grow.. this is absolutely my favorite thing about owning a photography business. It is so wild to me how a newborn baby comes into the studio, weighing only a few pounds.. solely and completely dependent on their parents. Then, in a few short months, they gained control of their growing bodies and are crawling, walking, grabbing, talking. They no longer need to depend on mom and dad for EVERYTHING.... they do depend on them for a lot... but they can now get from point A to point B on their own. They can hold their bottle on their own... feed themselves, remove their sock (LOL.. why do they always have to lose one of them too ;), climb on furniture.. heck... most babies these days have mastered a cell phone before 1!! 

Its so fun to look back at your brand new baby... trying to remember that new baby smell, the sound of their first cries... and just how darn small they were! 

Here is a look through Jacks first 9 months <3


Jack at his newborn session&nbsp;

Jack at his newborn session 

3 month old, Jack! 3 month photography sessions are all about those facial expressions =)&nbsp;

3 month old, Jack! 3 month photography sessions are all about those facial expressions =) 

6 months!! My favorite pose for 6 month old is the toe grab &lt;3 It won't be much longer before he trades in toe chewing for running &amp; jumping..&nbsp;

6 months!! My favorite pose for 6 month old is the toe grab <3 It won't be much longer before he trades in toe chewing for running & jumping.. 

9 months!!&nbsp;

9 months!! 

He was so proud to be hanging out on top of that box =)

He was so proud to be hanging out on top of that box =)

This photo just makes me want to cuddle &lt;3

This photo just makes me want to cuddle <3

Thanks for stopping by The Silver Blossom's blog! If you are ready to book the First Year Package for your newborn baby, click here


Its here.. the day of love... Valentines Day! A couple of weeks ago I held my annual "Valentines Day Mini Sessions". They went GREAT! But whats not to love?! The set was decked out in streamers and balloons and then I had a giant jar full of candy hears and of course.. CONFETTI & GLITTER!!! My studio looked like a party bomb went off when every thing was said and done LOL! Im still sweeping the stuff up. And funny story.. the stuff is following me home!! I made dinner the other night, sat down.. and what do you know. A big ol speck of pink glitter was hanging out in my corn. But seeing how much fun all the kids had made it all so worth it ;) I believe every child left that day with the biggest smile on their face, talking about how much fun they had. 

Take a look at all the fun we had =) And make sure to squeeze your Valentines sweeties tomorrow! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! 


My super messy studio =)&nbsp;

My super messy studio =) 

The glitter in my corn =/ ... also, I had a few people on my Instagram ask my about my corn. Its cream cheese slow cooker corn and its DELICIOUS!! .. hers the recipe link:&nbsp;

The glitter in my corn =/ ... also, I had a few people on my Instagram ask my about my corn. Its cream cheese slow cooker corn and its DELICIOUS!! .. hers the recipe link:

He is seriously posing himself... this kid is clearly on the fast track to male modeling ;)&nbsp;

He is seriously posing himself... this kid is clearly on the fast track to male modeling ;) 

Glitter toes &lt;3

Glitter toes <3

Thanks so much for stopping by!! Have a great Valentines Day <3 Make sure to stop by my Facebook and like my page! If you're ready to book a session, contact me here

Mira Irene's Newborn Session

I have a new niece! My sister really put me to work with this last baby of hers! Maternity, delivery and newborn photos. She owes me a good dinner and alot of babysitting! 

The maternity session was photographed in this patch of trees that I always drive by when bringing my daughter to school in Stillwater. Its just this patch of wildlife behind a church that is so awesome. To the right is a bunch of tall pine trees and to the left is a field the the sun sets behind. There are so many awesome spots just like this in the Twin Cities! Her maternity session was COLD and SNOWY. If she wasn't my sister, I maybe would have felt a tad bad that she was half naked and I was super bundled up LOL! 

The delivery story is kind of a funny one. After 41 long weeks, she finally got induced on a Tuesday.. I told her I would come and photograph the delivery.. but she spent the whole darn day just laying around in the hospital dilating! So finally she calls around 430 and says it will probably happen soonish. I had an appointment at 7pm.. so I told her to tell that baby that I was coming down around 5pm and she had better choose to pop on out of there by 6:30! ... Mira arrived at 6:22pm =) ... oh! and I cut the cord 

Mira did such a good job at her newborn session. I brought my daughter along so she could play with her cousins while I played with Mira. Baby Mira is a little grazer! She never ate until she was totally full.. just a little bit here, and a little bit there.. just enough to get by for awhile. But otherwise she was a dream to work with. Cant say the same for those sisters of hers though!! LOL! Clearly this auntie may pick on them too much cause they far from took me serious! They had the goofiest looking faces for me =) 

Take a look at some amazing shots from all her sessions! 

It may have been cold and snowy.. but so worth it!&nbsp;

It may have been cold and snowy.. but so worth it! 

So Sarah bought this shawl and I wasn't really paying attention to her while she was putting it on.. and then just assumed it had a hood. Well she gave it to me and a few days later when I went to hang it up, I realized she was just wearing it upsid…

So Sarah bought this shawl and I wasn't really paying attention to her while she was putting it on.. and then just assumed it had a hood. Well she gave it to me and a few days later when I went to hang it up, I realized she was just wearing it upside down the whole time LO!L 

She was super serious about me staying up by her head and shooting toward the doctor. I just laughed.. cause, duh ;)&nbsp;

She was super serious about me staying up by her head and shooting toward the doctor. I just laughed.. cause, duh ;) 

All my goofy little nieces.

All my goofy little nieces.

Unicorn baby! Get your very own unicorn headband from Baby Birdie Boutique!&nbsp;

Unicorn baby! Get your very own unicorn headband from Baby Birdie Boutique

Half way through this pose she got hangry LOL! Needed a snack to before she could continue on..&nbsp;

Half way through this pose she got hangry LOL! Needed a snack to before she could continue on.. 

My newest a most favorite prop! Its called a "posing pod" and I just love it so much.&nbsp;

My newest a most favorite prop! Its called a "posing pod" and I just love it so much. 

Thanks for spending a few minutes with me! If you are in need of a newborn session, shoot me a message here. Don't forget to stop by my Facebook page and "like" that too!