I do! Its true! Want to find out more about what goes on during all my newborn, child and family sessions? .. then you'll want to come over here to the blog =) I love posting behind the scene shots over on my Instagram and then the final edits over on my Facebook account... and all my booking information on my website. So here on the blog you will see more beautiful images and also hear about all the fun things that went down while I was photographing the session. You can always interact with me here too! Just leave a comment or a question and Ill make sure to get back to you quick. I think this will be lots of fun =)
I leave you with a super fun photos from a small photoshoot with my daughter. We were bored at home while big sis was at school and the mailman (props to my mailman! I love him.. poor guy has to walk my 300 foot driveway on almost a daily basis to deliver me my props.. and he always has a treat for the dog!) delivered this super amazing skirt that I was waiting for. So we decided to drive the few minutes from home to my studio in North Saint Paul and play with the million layers of tulle =)
Photo sessions with toddlers don't usually last very long! I believe this one with Ev lasted a total of 15 minutes! She went through her go to poses and then made a bunch of silly faces at me and then said "Im done, momma!" ... and once she's done.. she's done LOL! Enjoy the awesome images of my little Evelyn Jean!
That hand on the chest though LOL! ...who does she really think she is!!?? ;)
She requested a teddy bear with a matching skirt. Luckily for me, I have a massive prop collection and her request was granted =)
Evie being a silly goober =)
Thanks for checking out my blog! I have a studio full of dresses.. so if you like what you see, feel free to contact me and book your toddler a photography session! www.thesilverblossom.com